Trying something new today! My goal is to keep up this blog as a sort glimpse into the life of our family, and most specifically the kids.
I will most certainly not write every day (It's just not my way), and some days may be light- so be warned!
Today was a blissfully non-busy day. We didn't have a single thing to do, and it was
glorious! I spent the day trying to catch up on laundry (who knew 4 people could generate more dirty laundry in three days than an entire co-ed college dorm?), reading The Fiery Cross (again!) and observing all the goings-on around the house.
Watson, of course, has been immersed in football all day. If not a game, then one of those annoying sports shows where beefy men in tight suits yammer on and on
about football.
Jack played around with his new obsession, shoes. But in a manly way. He calls them "shoosh." He found a heap of shoosh near the front door (yeah, I should probably do something about that). He tried them all on, and he stumbled around in Sailor's cowboy boots for a while. It was pretty darn cute. He'd work tirelessly trying to step into them, and when it finally happened, he'd look up with a grin and say, "SHOOSH!"
He will also bring our shoes to us and then lead us by the hand to the front door, pointing frantically and making all kinds of urgent grunting noises. The kid absolutely LOVES to play outside. Watson took him out for a while yesterday. Jack loves his swing, and he went down the big slide in the back yard all by himself (but with Daddy hovering protectively behind) several times.
Sailor was outside all day today. She came in once for ice cream push pops, and then she disappeared again for another few hours. At one point, I heard her outside giving direction to the neighbor kids, who follow her every whim. Apparently, she was directing their musical, and I deduced this by the loud screeching notes that followed Sailor's count of three. I heard a lot of loud comments from the director, who is really rather tough. "No, Marci! Just freeze, then sing LOVELY, okay?"
At one point, I heard a lot of screaming and barking, so I ran to the window to look out. It looked like trouble from the little piss ant dog who lives next door, so I ran outside in my unfortunate-looking pajamas to check the situation. Apparently, the children felt there
could be trouble eventually, even though the dog was inside his own fence (and about the size and proportion of a watermelon... not terribly agile, in my opinion). The two redheaded neighbors were "treed" in the fort on top of our swing set, and Sailor was standing in a swing, with a chocolate push pop in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. I can only hope this bat was grabbed up as defense against the dog and not as an "instructional" tool for her musical students.
She's upstairs now with her nose in a National Geographic for Kids magazine, and Jack is downstairs in the toy room with a sippy cup of milk and Max and Ruby on TV. Watson is piled up on the couch with a cocktail, a laptop and a remote (happy as a clam), and I'm here writing and trying to put off the next load of laundry.
Things have become suspiciously quiet in the toy room. I'm crossing my fingers and heading off to see what the little monkey king is doing.
Love to all and good night!